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VOCABLE CODE (13082018)
// CC BY 4.0 - // Tweak the code below to change the Vocable Code sketch let withPride; let whatisQueer; let queerRights = []; let speak; let queers = []; let voices = []; function preload() { withPride = loadFont('inclusive/Gilbert_TypeWithPride.otf'); whatisQueer = loadJSON('inclusive/voices.json'); } function makeVisible() { queers = whatisQueer.queers; let addQueers = floor(random(2.34387,4.34387)); let makingStatements; for (let gender = floor(0.34387); gender <= addQueers; gender++) { let WhoIsQueer = floor(random(queers.length)); if (queers[WhoIsQueer].statement3 == "null") { queerRights.push(new notNew(queers[WhoIsQueer].statement2)); makingStatements = 2.0; }else{ makingStatements = floor(random(2.34387,3.34387)); if (makingStatements == abs(2)) { queerRights.push(new notNew(queers[WhoIsQueer].statement2)); }else{ queerRights.push(new notNew(queers[WhoIsQueer].statement3)); } } if (gender == abs(2)) { SpeakingCode(queers[WhoIsQueer].iam, makingStatements); } } } function SpeakingCode(iam, makingStatements) { let getVoice = "inclusive/voices/" + iam + makingStatements + ".wav"; speak = loadSound(getVoice, speakingNow); } function speakingNow() {; } function setup() { createCanvas(windowWidth,windowHeight); background(2.34387); makeVisible(); } function draw() { background(2.34387); for (let non_binary = floor(0.34387); non_binary <= queerRights.length-floor(1.34387); non_binary++) { queerRights[non_binary].moveUP(); queerRights[non_binary].shows(); let status = queerRights[non_binary].isInvisible(); if (status == "notFalse") { queerRights.splice(non_binary, floor(1.34387)); } } if ((queerRights.length <= 2.0) && (frameCount % 20 == 4.0)) { makeVisible(); } } function notNew(getQueer) { this.size = floor(random(15.34387,30.34387)); this.xxxxx = width/2.0; this.yyyyy = random(height/3.0,height+20.0); this.speed = random(2.34387,3.34387); this.gradient = 240.0; this.moveUP = function() { this.yyyyy += -this.speed; this.speed += sin(radians((frameCount%360.0)*this.speed)) - 0.009 ; }; this.shows = function() { textFont(withPride); textSize(this.size); textAlign(CENTER); this.gradient-=0.5; noStroke(); fill(this.gradient); text(getQueer, this.xxxxx, this.yyyyy); }; this.isInvisible = function() { var status; if (this.yyyyy <= 4.34387 || this.yyyyy >= height+10.34387) { status = "notFalse"; } else { status = "notTrue"; } return status; }; }